I am proud to say that I am a happily married man. My wife and I just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. I’ve discovered that with each passing anniversary, people are more surprised that we are still together. And when ...

Choosing a school for your kids can be difficult, especially when they are so young. As a parent, you are naturally cautious and leaving them with someone you do not really know is never easy. When picking a preschool, use ...

Most of the homeowners have a full basement in Mississauga. Usually, most of them have no crawl spaces. Crawl areas are uninsulated areas that provide ventilation and service access between the ground and the ground floor of the building. It’s ...

You’ve written thousands of words. Spent hours chained to your laptop, guzzled gallons of coffee, and sliced and diced your story until you feel like Gordon Ramsey himself. Now it’s here. The moment to publish. As a new author who ...

Unless you have creditable coverage from an employer, your primary health insurance will be Medicare whenever you are 65 years old. According to Administration on Aging, someone turning 65 almost has a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term ...

As a homeowner, you might find yourself wondering whether getting an eavestrough for your house is really worth it or not. Once they have been put in place, they need to be cleaned time and time again. In case you ...

It is impossible to protect your child from all threats no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do it. The world just doesn’t work that way. That is probably a good thing since ...

The world is more connected than ever before, for better or worse. Although the Internet and improved telecommunications technology allow us to be in contact with almost anyone around the globe immediately, this can be useful and harmful. A recent ...

 Radiant floor heating systems are a valuable addition to your house, be it old or a new one. As the heating system provides consistent heat through the house, it has increasingly become a popular option for all homeowners. It is one ...

There is a very popular saying that families who play together, stay together and it is completely true. Many families nowadays, miss out on quality family time because they are so engrossed in their smart phones. This means that they ...