A water filtration system can be a great investment for your family’s health and well-being. The entire house filters out chlorine, minerals, synthetic substances, and other contaminants that may be present in the water. Although chlorine is added to water supplies in controlled conditions, concentrated amounts of it can occur. Even safe levels can cause adverse reactions such as drying the skin.
The chlorine exposure to drinking, washing and breathing can be reduced by a home filtration system. There is less chlorine in the showers and sinks. This makes it easier to protect your skin, hair and allergies.
Propelled water filtration is used to achieve top-of-the-line water filtration. They can remove more than 30 harmful contaminants from your home’s water supply. The entire house filtration system requires very little support and can last for up to 10 years.
They are an excellent home investment because whole-house filtration is easy to set up and maintain. These systems can increase your home’s value, particularly in rural areas.
Potential Drawbacks
In general, whole-house water filtration systems are more expensive than point-of-use filtration solutions. Brita pitches and in-sink filtration systems cost a fraction of a POE system. These systems are also not easily accessible for the average DIYer.
If you are looking to save money and time, it is worth calling an expert to install your home’s water filtration system. Incorrect installation can lead to major plumbing problems. This is not a quick fix or an easy way to buy bottled water.
Find The Entry Point For Your Water Supply
It is essential to understand the water supply. Before you buy a POE system for your home, find out what contaminants are present. You can call your local water provider to get your own testing done. For a free consultation on water filtration, you can also call Hiller’s project manager.
You need to be aware of the specific issues in your water and what you can do about them. Whole-home water filters are not able to eliminate all contaminants. The truth is that the more specific the water filter you choose for your home, the less expensive it will be to install.
Do Not Buy Cheap
You don’t want to spend a lot on a whole-house filtration system. Smaller particles may not be removed by cheaper models. This means that the filter cannot filter chemicals but only rust or sediments.
Although water might appear clear, it could still be contaminated with chlorine or other potentially deadly chemicals.
However, an expensive reverse osmosis filter could lead to a similar problem. These filters can remove all valuable minerals from water, which is a problem because they are so efficient. These minerals are important for our health, hydration, and water’s balanced taste.
Water that has been stripped from minerals will have the same flavor profile as the container in which it was stored. Reverse osmosis can only filter 50 gallons of water per day. A standard carbon whole-house water filter solution can filter 18 gallons per minute.
Fluoride and Other Concerns
For chlorine removal, an activated charcoal filter is required. Fluoride can be removed by using an activated aluminum cartridge, or an ion exchange device. The same goes for perchlorates, nitrates.
You can see that each one requires a different filter in order to be removed successfully. These capabilities are not available in the average pitcher. Fluoride is a hot topic.
Fluoridated water can be harmful to the health of some families. A whole-house system is required to protect everyone. Many contaminants can be absorbed by inhalation.
Water droplets that are suspended in water run through the taps or showers. The water droplets become airborne when they are inhaled. Legionnaires disease in Flint MI is an example of an invisible, deadly airborne contaminant.
Chemical Leftovers
To kill bacteria and treat water, chlorine is used in cities like London to kill Legionnaire’s disease. The chlorine in the treated water is retained until it reaches your home. Although there are regulations to protect against unsafe levels of chlorine being consumed, no one is aware of the long-term effects.
Instead of taking chances with your drinking, take the necessary precautions to ensure safe drinking. Children and babies under the age of five are especially at risk from chlorine. They are more vulnerable to deficiencies and cancers.
Hard Water Challenges
When dealing with hard water, it is worth mentioning the importance of a home filter system. These mineral deposits can make clothes feel rough and also cause plumbing problems. Your faucets will eventually fail, your drains will clog and surfaces will become soiled.
Hard water is not good for your health. The liver and kidneys are affected by excessive calcium, magnesium, or sediment consumption. Kidney stones can be caused by severe hard water.
Hard water can cause skin problems. It can clog your pores and cause dandruff problems. Scale buildup on the shower doors is a daily struggle.
This post was written by a water treatment expert at Pure Blue H2O. Are you curious how much does a reverse osmosis system costs? At Pure Blue H2O we are the providers of the best Reverse Osmosis System For Home! We know that the best product comes from the best materials. They offer whole home water solutions such as showerhead filtration, filter replacements, and a variety of similar products. Their focus is to provide Americans with safe and clean water throughout the home.