How to Plan for a Successful Retirement as a First Responder

Throughout your career, you have been on the front line as a first responder. When duty calls, you are there to answer and react in a professional fashion. As you near retirement, it is important to put some plan into action to ensure you cope better when you are away from your team. Here are some important factors to consider to make the most out of your retirement.

Getting Ready for an Emotional Rollercoaster – Whether you are a police officer, paramedic, or firefighter, you’ll need to get to grips with the emotional transition associated with retirement. There is a real camaraderie and sense of family surrounding these types of jobs and it can be devastating when you retire. It is advisable to seek EMT retirement counselling to help you deal with your life after the job. Most workers find that their identity is tied to their work and once they leave, they lose everything, not just their job.

Finance – Aside from dealing with the emotional transition, you will also have to plan for the cost of retirement. You need to figure out what you must have to survive as you won’t be on the same wage as before. One of the benefits of working as a first responder is that it is likely you’ll be retiring with a pension plan. It is important to start discussing your finances and getting things in order to ensure you fully enjoy your retirement. Think about how much you expect to get in versus how much will be going out each week or month. Don’t go into retirement unprepared expecting everything to be waiting for you on the other side.

Plan Your Next Move – Many first responders retire in their 50s and this is by no means old. Most of them still have plenty of energy and lying around the house reading books or watching TV doesn’t appeal to them. If you are retiring at a relatively young age, make sure you plan ahead and think about your next move. Try to find something fulfilling that will help you to get out of bed in the morning.

Retiring from the force as a first responder is both an exciting and emotional time. You are leaving a job and extended family you have known for many years. You’ve been through a lot and being a first responder is a job like no other. When you are on the verge of retirement, it is advisable to plan ahead and prepare for your next move.